As you might imagine, Garden of the Gods is one of the top requested places for portrait sessions and why not?! It’s just gorgeous there, and I never tire of the beauty throughout the entire area. And I’m so thankful that it’s a protected area in our city…otherwise, it’d likely be a golf course! No offense to golfers, but I’m glad that everyone can enjoy such a fantastic place! Jon has some favorite places he loves to take families for their pictures during their sessions, but it’s pretty amazing how much variety and opportunity are all in one place. Enjoy a whole bunch of favorites from a handful of sessions we did at Garden of the Gods during late November and December!
This session was really fun because Lauren and I were in the same small group for our women’s study at Woodmen Valley Chapel this past fall. Being newer to Colorado Springs, they wanted to have fantastic family pictures to show the beauty of Colorado Springs, so what better place than here?




The day of the Water’s session was windy, cold, and spitting some rain, and yet, the dramatic sky is just amazing and doesn’t happen on a sunny, perfect day…it’s one of those times that embracing the weather truly makes for a unique, dramatic portrait.

The Waters family has a family picture in this same pose from when their kids were very young – we LOVE telling a part of a family’s story and history during their session…

I love the “king of the world” spirit of Justin in this picture! With our son, Tyler, trying to climb up and onto all things high at the mere age of 16 months, I imagine that he’ll love opportunities to climb all over Garden of the Gods as he gets older (and I might have to get a little braver…).