Grace and her family have just been so fantastic to meet and photograph! They are from Texas (I spent much of my growing up years and college years there, so that’s a fun connection to share with them!) and have always loved traveling to Colorado over the years. When they weren’t finding what they were looking for in Texas, they started looking in Colorado Springs for photographers and found us! They are a close-knit, gracious, and faith-filled family, and we truly hope that it does work to see them again this fall for a family session. Grace’s high school senior pictures were taken at Cheyenne Canyon, Stratton Open Space, and Garden of the Gods – it was important to her to feature fantastic natural landscapes and rustic Colorado for her pictures, and these places were perfect. Her dad has said that he’s been “shamelessly” showing her pictures around, and we welcome any fellow Texans to plan a trip out to the mountains of Colorado Springs for senior portraits or family portraits with us!
Grace’s mom had her camera during the session and took some great “action” images of Jon “at work” (some people might call it play, but it is what we do for a living…are we blessed or what?!?!), so just like our previous post from Clay’s high school senior session, you’ll get a little sneak peek at how the setting looks and then what the final portrait looks like. And if you love learning a little bit about Jon’s set up for his portraits (you’ll see his off camera lighting and also Grace’s dad assisting with a reflector in a few of the action images), feel free to check out Clay’s Post and also our information on our Photography Classes & Workshops.

