The beautiful thing about our photography business is the way that our lives become connected and intertwined with yours. Our client families are an extension of our own family. We are invited into your lives, and in turn, you become invited into ours. It’s beautiful, and yet, sometimes our lives are messy and painful. Because we’re connected together, we invite you into the hard journey our family will be on over the next 8-10 months. On October 31st, our five-year-old son, Tyler (now a new 6-year-old!), was diagnosed with cancer. He’d been having headaches since we returned from a fall break trip, and after 4 doctors’ visits over the next 10 days, we took him to the ER where they did an MRI and found a brain tumor. While we are not alone in hearing those words spoken to us, when you hear it, your heart falls and your world changes. In light of news you never want to hear, we are so thankful for so many of God’s mercies in all of this…
– Tyler is fully expected to beat this cancer through chemo and radiation and does not need brain surgery
– We have experienced an outpouring of love and support from family and friends around the world
– Our God is Present, Big, Able and has Tyler securely in the palm of His hand
– He has already given us Hope and a peace that passes all understanding
This will be a hard journey. There’s just no easy way through cancer. We invite you into this part of our family’s story because our stories matter and because your prayers are exactly what we need during this time. We are still running our business, it just might look a little different for the next handful of months. And we hug our kids a little tighter and seek out the joy and blessing of each day. Because each day has new meaning. Each day is a gift.
– Jon & Lindsay
- Tyler in Twin Lakes for our own family session prior to any symptoms or diagnosis and then earlier this week
- getting his hair buzzed in preparation from losing it all from the chemo treatments…

[…] shared with you our son’s cancer diagnosis back in November. You can read that post here: Sharing Our Family’s Journey As of last Friday, Tyler completed his treatment plan! That is cause for celebration, though […]