Katlyn is an easygoing, genuine high school senior who enjoys simplicity in life and appreciates antiques and items with history. Her love for stories complements her love for books – she’d love to own a bookstore one day. Katlyn also loves photography and being outdoors in the mountains.
Katlyn’s family was new to Colorado last summer, and we loved showing them some wonderful outdoor spots in Colorado Springs during her photography session! During her pre-session consultation, Katlyn shared her love for streams and babbling brooks, rock outcroppings, and a request for a bookstore and graffiti. We matched her with the locations of Books For You (a special thank you to their owners for permission to use this spot that perfectly matched the look Katlyn hoped for!), Cheyenne Cañon, Old Colorado City, and Pulpit Rock. It was an ambitious plan to fit all of these locations into her Senior Experience photography session, but we did it! We’re so excited with her portraits – tons of variety with settings that range from beautiful and serene to edgy and dramatic. And a fantastic sunset that ended her experience.
Katlyn, we are so excited to be a part of celebrating your graduation. We wish you the best as you pursue a career in computer programming…and we truly hope your dream of owning a bookstore becomes a reality!


Jonathan Betz Photography – Colorado Springs High School Senior Pictures Photographer