It’s been a crazy seven months since we shared with you our son’s cancer diagnosis back in November. You can read that post here: Sharing Our Family’s Journey As of last Friday, Tyler completed his treatment plan! That is cause for celebration, though we have quickly realized that the end to his treatment plan is not a true “end.” It’s simply the beginning of a new and unending chapter where we pray every scheduled scan in his future comes back clear of cancer. It’s hard to realize that it will only be in looking back that we will know if we are really “done.”
That aside, we are so grateful for all the ways God carried our family through the months of active treatment. There was an obvious covering over Tyler that protected him from all but the most common (and fairly unavoidable) side effects and protected his health from sickness when his immune system was depressed from the chemo. In all, Tyler went through six rounds of chemo and then six weeks of M-F radiation treatments in Denver. The radiation was the most taxing part of his treatment due to the daily drives back and forth to Denver; however, we were amazed to watch him come through 30 radiation treatments so well. He attended the majority of his school days the whole time and experienced few (if any) side effects. Our treatment team was incredibly pleased and quite impressed. We credit our good and loving God watching over him and granting amazing mercy. It remains to be seen what his long-term, permanent effects from radiation may be. It’s quite likely that his endocrine system will be permanently affected, yet that will be a small price to pay for LIFE.
We’ve experienced plenty of hard days and wiped many tears from our faces on our cancer journey, yet it’s in the hard and broken times that God is revealed in new, deep ways. We watched our faith be the foundation for us and experienced joy and gratitude in abundance. Those were gifts that carried us through and blessed us greatly.
We thank you and the hundreds of people who have supported us through prayer and in tangible ways as well. We are forever grateful for the many blessings we have received and know that our faithful God walks with us intimately each day.
– Lindsay