For those who love learning more about the big picture for our portrait experience, here’s what to expect and how it works!
Phone Call & Complimentary Pre-Booking Appointment: A phone call is the best way to begin. We can quickly cover some initial details and from there schedule the complimentary Studio Tour Q&A planning appointment where we will deep-dive into all the details, preparations, session selection, location/setting for the portraits, and cover all the costs.
Schedule the Portrait Session: When you move forward with booking your session, we’ll schedule for the best time of day for the location you’ve matched best and the time of year you prefer. Depending on the time of year, we may be able to schedule your session within 1-2 weeks of your pre-booking appointment, but when we are in the height of our portrait season, we may be 4-6 weeks out from next availability. The sooner you meet with us, the more dates you’ll have available; the more flexibility you have, the more dates that you’ll have to choose from. As you might imagine, our Saturday spots tend to be in highest demand.
The View & Choose Ordering Appointment: We aim to have every family in within 1-2 weeks of the portrait session. This 60-90 minute appointment happens back at the Studio. We’ll present a slideshow of your finished images and then guide you with the selection of your favorite poses. From those favorites, we’ll then guide you with creating your custom order of the perfect combination of the finished prints and products you want to love and enjoy in your home.
Order Fulfillment: Once you place your order, we’ll be hard at work providing our master retouching services and creating all the finished pieces in your order. You can expect your finished pieces to be in within 2-4 weeks of ordering, assuming you’ve either paid in full or 50% at your appointment. We do offer longer payment plans, and when choosing this option, you’ll receive finished pieces as each is paid in full along the way toward completion of your payment plan.
Order Pick Up: We’ll reach out once your finished pieces have been checked by us to make sure each is perfect and coordinate a quick pick up time to receive your order. It’ll feel like Christmas! We love when you can allow enough time to look everything over at the Studio before taking everything home to enjoy.
ENJOY your portrait art for years to come…
And we’ll look forward to the next season in life or important milestone we capture for you!