We hope everyone takes time today for a moment of appreciation for the freedom we have in America. It’s truly amazing. We are so blessed to live here and experience freedom on a daily basis. And we thank all of you who serve our country to continue to fight for our freedom and safety. THANK YOU!!
Our 4th of July was fairly quiet. We contemplated whether we would attempt to go out to The Broadmoor, The Air Force Academy, or Palmer Lake for an evening fireworks show, but at around 7 pm when Tyler was clearly ready for bed and Natalie was looking rather tired herself, we realized that as parents of little ones, it’ll likely be a couple years before keeping the kids out past 10 pm makes sense! Anyway, this is actually the very first year (since moving to Colorado) that we have not worked a wedding on the 4th of July, so little did we know that leaving our house just was not even necessary to enjoy some pretty amazing displays in our own neighborhood! So…we enjoyed quite a great show simply sitting out on the corner and snuggled under blankets! And not only did we have great fireworks, but the lightning was also all around us. It ended up being just perfect since Tyler slept peacefully through it all, Natalie got to watch some, and then we watched more once she was happily asleep. So it is possible to have a great 4th of July, complete with impressive fireworks, without leaving your home and with two little kids!


Just checking in Jon,
Hope you are ok after the Rockies took all three ( and 11 of the last 12 ) from your Cards. Rough weekend for Cards fans.
As always, you pictures are spectacular!!!!!!!