Michael | Liberty High School Senior Portraits | Class of 2018

We’ve loved reconnecting with this family for their newest senior’s senior portraits! Michael is an introspective and laid back high school senior with strong leadership skills. He’s enjoying being a part of the wood shop at school and learning carpentry skills. His current projects include a cabinet and a set of wooden bowls. Outside of school, he spends time in the gym and loves rock climbing. His love for the outdoors and climbing made a session in Garden of the Gods a perfect location for his photography.

Once this last year of high school is complete, Michael’s plans are to serve our country by joining the Marines. We’re thankful for his heart that looks to serve and lead.

Liberty High School Jonathan Betz Photography Colorado springs senior photographer

Jonathan Betz Photography – Colorado Springs High School Senior Photographer


International Photographic Competition (IPC) Award-Winning Images | Jonathan Betz Photography |

In our world of professional photographers, there is an annual competition called the International Photographic Competition (IPC). Thousands of photographs from photographers around the globe enter a maximum of 4 photographs in the competition, and certified, trained judges score each image. Entries receiving a score of 80+ (out of 100) receive a merit toward a Master of Photography Degree from our national organization, Professional Photographers of America (PPA). We are very proud that all four of Jon’s entries received merits, known as going “4 for 4.” Here are his meriting photographs:

Award Winning Photographer Colorado Springs Portraits Jonathan Betz Photography

Jonathan Betz Photography – Certified Professional Photographer Colorado Springs


Brianna | Libery High School Senior Portraits | Class of 2018

Brianna is a fun, endearing, caring, and funny high school senior. She loves spending time with her friends shopping, hiking, and enjoying the downtown area. Her family has lived in a variety of places, and Brianna would love to return to Virginia someday. She aspires to be an elementary school teacher.

She chose our one-hour senior session for her high school senior portraits. Based on her requests for mountains and flowers, we matched her to the location of Cheyenne Cañon’s base area and Stratton Open Space. It was a perfect combination, and we’re excited to share some of our favorites!

Colorado Springs High School senior photographer Liberty High School Jonathan Betz Photography

Jonathan Betz Photography – Colorado Springs High School Senior Photographer


Jon’s Art Display at Denver’s Gallery at Studio j

Jon traveled to Cuba earlier this year. Shortly after returning, he was invited to include some of his photography in a Cuba exhibit in Denver at the Gallery at Studio j. His work is also included in a photography book on Cuba. We are very excited by this wonderful opportunity, and I’m so proud of his art! Special thank you to Jeff Johnson who commissioned the artists for the exhibit and the time he invested in both the exhibit and book projects. Special thank you to Jesse McLaughlin for featuring this exhibit.

Colorado Springs Photographer Jonathan Betz Photography Denver Gallery at Studio j

Jonathan Betz Photography – Colorado Springs Photographer


Join Us for our Annual “Destination: Family Portraits” Weekend! | September 23 & 24, 2017

Call TODAY to reserve one of the limited spaces for this special event for family photography!

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