Haley | Rampart High School Class of 2011

Haley is a spunky, fun senior with some of the most unique outfits we’ve seen! Her session began at Bear Creek and then moved to Garden of the Gods and the Colorado College campus. She was our runner up for our merit-based scholarship and received her session for free! She’s got big plans for her future, including traveling to Africa and pursuing photography or journalism in college, most likely somewhere in Washington or Oregon. With her interest in photography, she’s planning to shadow and assist Jon on a session or two in the near future, so you just may get to meet her on your session! Here are favorites from her session…


Henry | One Year Baby Portraits

Henry is the little brother of Josephine. We photographed Josephine a few months ago and loved returning to photography Henry earlier in July. He looks just like his big sister in so many ways and has such a great smile and those looks that let you know he is a little boy that loves getting into all kinds of fun. We also think it’s awesome that Henry’s mom does cloth diapers. We LOVE using cloth for our kids, and she’s taken it to a whole new level with a very special designer diaper that we featured in his beginning portraits. If you ever have questions about cloth diapers, please do not hesitate to contact us! I love telling other families how simple and great they are to use, and they are awesome for your baby and for our environment. Also, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Henry’s mom, Tara, who just passed her nursing boards! Way to go!! We know she’s thrilled and we wish her the best as she begins her nursing career!

Enjoy these favorites of Henry…


Scott | Air Academy High School Class of 2011

Scott just came in Friday to see all his images for the first time, so it’s time to share some of our favorites! His session began at the junkyard and went into Manitou. Scott plays for the marching band and just switched from trumpet to contra tuba for his senior year. The images with his tuba are awesome, and we’re so glad he was willing to bring it along (considering it takes up quite a bit of car space and isn’t exactly the easiest instrument to haul around for pictures!). Oh, and one other thing we have to share with you as you prepare to look at these awesome portraits…when Scott came in our door last week, he’s now sporting a mohawk! Just a little different from his previous hairstyle…

Kristen Dreher - August 1, 2010 - 3:33 pm

wow is all I’ve got to say about theses!!!!! I just lookeb at Scott’s pictures for the first time and wow there amazing i love them all! and the tuba pictures came out so cool!! my brother is so handsome and these pictures truly bring it out them them all of course and thanks again Jonathan and Lindsey for our wonderful senior pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

Jessi | TCA Class of 2011

We were so excited to see Jessi’s family back for Senior Pictures! Her older sister, Jordan, was with us a couple years ago for her pictures, and it was great to catch up with such an awesome family! Jordan and her mom came along for Jessi’s session that started in Cheyenne Canyon and then went into Manitou Springs and ended at the legendary Graffiti Falls. As an education note, the actual name of these falls is Rainbow Falls and it was used by the Ute Indians…we were curious and Jon did some research…so now you know too! This was Jon’s first time to the falls. Being that I stay home with our two kids, I missed this whole experience… It was about pitch dark for the portraits at the Falls, and yet the images are awesome. Enjoy these favorites…

Jan Ziegler - July 31, 2010 - 7:03 am

We continue to appreciate your ability to not only take fantastic pictures, but to capture the personalities of my girls in those pictures.

Thank you, again, for making another senior photo shoot so much fun!!!!! We enjoy being with you!!!!

Stephanie | Air Academy High School Class of 2011

Stephanie’s session was done at the same time as her brother, Scott (his post is coming soon!). Kristen (that’s all of the triplets) was there to watch and be in some great pictures with all three of them. We started out at the junkyard and then went into Manitou Springs. We had a great time photographing Stephanie and spending time with the family. And we all took a break for ICE CREAM (one of my favorite things!) and had fun doing some photography with ice cream cones too. Her session had a “refreshing” end…she got into the river in Manitou for some awesome water portraits! We admire her bravery in the cold water! Enjoy our favorites…

Kristen Dreher - August 1, 2010 - 3:28 pm

ohhh my do i love my sisters pictures! there beautiful, im so happy i got to go along with her and my brother to take there photos! im glad i was able to be there i love that you included our family for this whole senior picture experience thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚