Finn at 9 months | Baby Portraits

Finn is already over 9 months old and has such a contagious smile. He has a very active older brother, so it’s not surprising that he’s walking already!! Every time his mom, Angie, is here to see pictures, we get to talking, and I feel like we have this total connection with parenting since her kids are so close in age to ours. I get this feeling that we both live in a similar chaos…it’s joyful and fun, but also exhausting most of the time! But I do have to say that I hope my Tyler takes all the time he wants to transition to walking. I’m currently adjusting to his recent gain from normal crawling to hyper-speed crawling. It seems like he can move 25 feet in no time at all. And considering that he eats more than I do for some of his meals, he obviously is using up lots of energy throughout his day!

Enjoy some favorites from Finn’s 9 month session…


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