About this time every year, we’re deep into photographing the next senior class yet still have a few more seniors to feature who are now recent graduates. Tyler is one of those, and we certainly did not want his session feature to be missed.
Tyler is athletic, friendly, and down-to-earth. He plays both football and baseball, and baseball is the sport that he loves best. His skills have seen him in a variety of positions from pitcher to third baseman to outfield.
Tyler loves being outdoors in the mountains – you’ll often find him hiking and camping. Our areas around Mount Herman and Raspberry Mountain are top favorite trails to explore in our area. We loved providing a unique session setting to create Tyler’s senior portraits on a much-loved trail that holds many memories for him. Jon loved experiencing a fresh location that we later hiked as a family!
As Tyler looks ahead to college, he’s entering fire science studies that will prepare him for a career in fire fighting. With his love for the outdoors, he’s hoping to specifically fight forest fires. We loved being included in his small gathering to celebrate his graduation and also seeing him for our cap and gown event we held in late May.
Congratulations, Tyler! We’ve loved getting to know you and your family and wish you our best as your next steps unfold!

Jonathan Betz Photography | Colorado Springs and Monument High School Senior Photographer