Call TODAY to reserve one of the limited spaces for this special event for family photography!
Jon and I (Lindsay) are blessed by our recent opportunities to educate other photographers in a variety of programs and workshops. In March, we traveled to Southwest PPA’s regional convention, and Lindsay gave a series of mini-programs on business topics. In April, Lindsay presented to our local Professional Photographers Guild of Colorado Springs (PPGCS). And […]
Dave Ramsey is in town with Chris Brown for their live event tonight, and we are the photography team while they are here. We enjoyed our time at the lunch event at Johnny Martin’s Car Central earlier today and love the message they teach about financial health that brings financial peace. We have been listeners […]
Our son, Tyler, took his last breath last Friday, and with that breath, received full healing from the cancer he fought for almost a full year. Our hearts grieve that he’s not here to hug, tickle, and have in our presence, and yet we are covered in the peace that passes understanding and deep comfort […]
Our blog has been quiet for awhile. We wish it was for countless reasons other than what it is. Just a mere two months ago, we celebrated finishing our son, Tyler’s, treatment plan for cancer. We enjoyed just four weeks of family life without a thought of cancer before he began having a different set […]